Brazilian family lives with seven tigers. „You have to show the animals respect and love”

Publicat: 24/10/2013, 13:59
Actualizat: 29/03/2019, 23:23

A Brazilian family lives with seven tigers in its garden and insists that the animals are not dangerous as long as you show them respect.

Ary Borges is 43 years old, lives in Maringa, a town near Sao Paolo, and rescued the first two tigers from a circus eight years ago.

Wanting to secure their survival, he launched a breeding program in his own yard, but had to put an end to it after the authorities found out that he was doing it without a permit.

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The Brazilian has three children, Nayara (20), Uyara (23) and Deusanira (24), who feed the large felines directly into their mouths and even swim with them in the pool.

„I was never worried about my daughters living with these animals. You have to show the animals respect and love, that”s how you get it back from them”, said Borges.

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He even lets his 2 year old granddaughter Rayana play with the tigers and occasionally ride on their backs.

„Rayara loves playing with the tigers. She sees my dad interacting with them and she goes crazy”, said Uraya, one of his daughters.

His granddaughter”s father is the only one in the family that doesn”t approve with the close interaction with the tigers and fears the 35 stone animals.

After keeping this seven tigers in his own garden, Ary Borges now wants to open a 40-acre eco-park in Maringa for the animals.

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